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CallTower Solutions Center

Zoom Calling Yealink - T46U - Transfer A Call

Call Transfer

You can transfer a call in the following ways:

Blind Transfer

  1. Press  clipboard_e144a09829c9ee637efd945666d330c18.png  or the "Transfer soft key during an active call. The call is laced on hold.
  2. Enter the number you want to transfer to.
  3. Press the clipboard_e830e320d38614e9b8150457c5cd76b59.png or the "Transfer" soft key

Semi-Attended Transfer

  1. Press clipboard_ef396bf7dacfe452d7eb1dc7a8cc5d6ec.png or the "Transfer" soft key during an active call. The call is placed on hold.
  2. Enter the number you want to transfer to and press clipboard_e16f43e76a12f4a816484432e1dbc66b6.png
  3. Press clipboard_ef396bf7dacfe452d7eb1dc7a8cc5d6ec.png or the "Transfer" soft key when you hear the ring-back tone

Attended Transfer

  1. Press clipboard_ef396bf7dacfe452d7eb1dc7a8cc5d6ec.png or the "Transfer" soft key during an active call. The call is placed on hold.
  2. Enter the number you want to transfer to and press clipboard_e16f43e76a12f4a816484432e1dbc66b6.png
  3. Press clipboard_ef396bf7dacfe452d7eb1dc7a8cc5d6ec.png or the "Transfer" soft key when the second party answers

The full quick start guide can be found here:

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