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Recovering a Skype for Business meeting from Recording Manager

Recovering a Skype for Business meeting from Recording Manager

If the recording Manager fails to convert a recorded meeting. The steps below can be used to attempt recording recovery. 


  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Navigate to %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\Recording Manager\Temporary Recording Files.
  3. Copy the folders that appear.
  4. Create a new folder on the Desktop and paste the information
  5. Start a new Skype for Business Meeting with yourself  
  6. Start recording the meeting. This will create a new folder in the temp location. 
  7. Open Task Manager
  8. End Skype for Business and Recording Manager
  9. Delete the contents of the new folder
  10. Open the Desktop folder and copy the contents
  11. Paste the contents into the new meeting folder
  12. Open Recording Manager. The meeting should begin conversion

If the steps above fail to recover the meeting, the meeting will need to be recorded a second time.