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CallTower Solutions Center

Hardware version error message on Polycom CX phone

Any Polycom CX model phone displays an error message “The hardware version of your phone is no longer supported and is now unusable. Please contact your support team to get a replacement”. No other options are available on the phone and there is no option to reset the phone.

Affected Phones 

Polycom CX300
Polycom CX600
Polycom CX3000


The message indicates that you have a pre-production CX phone, verified by the Rev.X (e.g. Rev.X10) hardware revision (marking found on the bottom of the phone). These were only passed out as demo units prior to their official release. A production model is defined as with Rev. A, B, C, etc code. 
Unfortunately these are pre-production devices and should not be used in the field. In CU2 Microsoft started blocking all pre-production devices by displaying this message in the firmware, and you cannot roll the device back. You'll need to swap the devices out with an actual production unit.


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