MS Teams Direct Routing - Remove Number from a User in CallTower Connect
Remove a Number from a User in Connect for Direct Routing Teams
Assist customers in removing a number from a user in CallTower Connect
Remove a number from a user
Removing a number is as simple as removing it from the user it is tied to. Connect requires that each user enabled with voice services has a number assigned. If the number needs to be unassigned from the user then the number will have to be replaced or the voice services removed from the user as shown below.
Step 1: To remove a user's services, Select the user and then select “User Settings” from the drop-down. Select “Manage Services”
Step 2. Find the “Direct Routing Teams - Expand to Select” and select the drop-down arrow. Uncheck all Direct routing Teams Services, then click “Save”.
With the voice service removed, the number will be removed from the user and assigned to your available inventory.