MS Teams Admin - How to Collect Client Logs
How to collect Teams Client Logs
There are two type of logs that need to be collected.
Certain Teams Client side issues might require logs to be reviewed to determine the source of the Teams Client failure, examples of these would be glitches, dropped calls, strange errors or interactions.
Please verify the media logging is enabled whenever troubleshooting an audio, video, or screensharing issue.
Gathering the logs
Option 1
With the Teams client selected in the foreground, press...
Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + 1(note this has to be the "1" with the "!" associated with it. A key pad 1 will not work.)
Mac OSX: Keyboard shortcut: Option + Command + Shift+1
You should then see the download.
You can find the files in your Downloads folder.
Option 2
Right click on the Teams Icon in the Hidden Icons Tray or Taskbar(The icon may be at either one of those locations)
Then select "Collect support files".
The log file should then automatically appear in a new File Explorer window.
They can also be found at this location
Windows: %userprofile%\Downloads -Or- %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams
Mac OSX: Downloads
How to get them to us
You might consider Compressing the logs together.
- Send the zipped log file to your technician via email, instant message, or, if the files are too large, you can send them via a free transfer site