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MS Teams - Viewing Meetings


Provide instruction on how to see an overview of all your upcoming meetings in Microsoft Teams


You can view all upcoming meetings and appointments for the next week by clicking Calendar on the left side of the app. You can switch the meetings list between the current day and the upcoming week. It shows you everything that was scheduled in Teams, Exchange, or Outlook.


Click a specific meeting to get details about it. From there you can:

  • Join the meeting.

  • See calling details.

  • See and chat with the participants.

  • Respond to the meeting invitation.

  • Cancel the meeting if you're the organizer.


Tap Calendar to see the weekly calendar for all your meetings that have been scheduled from Teams, Outlook, or Exchange.

Mobile meetings calendar

Microsoft Teams meetings have a Teams icon and a Join button.

Tap a meeting to see the details and participants. From there you can:

  • Join the meeting. (Tap Join.)

  • See calling details. (Tap See details.)

  • See and chat with the participants. (Tap Chat with participants.)

  • Respond to the meeting invitation.

  • Cancel the meeting if you're the organizer. (Tap Edit > Cancel.)


For more information, click on the link below:

See all your meetings in Teams

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