MS Teams General Admin - Meeting Room License vs. Common Area Phone License
This article will give you a Meeting Room License vs Microsoft Teams Shared Devices License (formerly Common Area Phone License) (for costs of licenses, contact support).
Teams Room Basic License:
What is a "Teams Room" Device
Microsoft Teams Room Basic license should only be used for "Teams Room" devices. A list of Microsoft Teams Rooms phones can be found here Microsoft Teams Rooms Packages and Systems | Teams devices.
Microsoft outlines this in their article here Microsoft Teams Rooms licenses - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn.
The Teams Room Basic license will provide you with the following:
Please Note: If you need to place outbound calls you will need to add a Microsoft Teams Phone Standard License to the user account as well.
- Collaborate with your team wherever they are with hybrid meeting experiences
- Instantly join meetings with one-touch join
- Easily share content with wireless sharing
- Enable real-time collaboration for every attendee, with a shared digital canvas
- Available on Windows, Android, and Surface Hub devices
- Supported with Teams rooms on the following:
- Windows
- Android
- Surface Hub
- Can join a meeting in the following ways:n
- One-touch join
- Proximity join
- Meeting ID
- Meet now (start ad-hoc meetings)
- Direct guest join for Zoom and Webex meetings
- Can share and collaborate all Teams content
- For meeting engagement, Teams video gallery with multiple layout options is provided
- Peer-to-peer and group calling and receiving
- Secure operating system and system-level security (such as secure boot and assigned access)
- Access to Teams Admin Center enrollment and inventory
- Automatic updates
Microsoft Teams Shared Devices:
What is a "Shared Device"?
Phones intended to be "common area phones" or "shared spaces" devices. Further information is provded in Microsofts documentation here Microsoft Teams Shared Devices licensing - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn
Teams Shared Devices license will provide you with the following:
- Join meetings by dialing in
- No Voicemail
- Peer-to-peer answering and initiating call
- Place outbound calls
If you need more information, check out this article with Microsoft: