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CallTower Solutions Center

MS Teams - Dynamic E911 Quick Setup Guide


This guide will quickly guide you through configuring a single site. This guide is ment to configure a single central office location for Dynamic E911. This guide does not cover Nomadic e911, you can find more information about configuring Nomadic E911 in this Guide: MS Teams - Nomadic E911 Quick Setup Guide (External Lookup Mode) - CallTower Solutions Center ( It is recommended that you first configure your Dynamic E911 Office locations before enabling Nomadic E911 (External Look Up Mode).

Direct Routing Customers Pre-Requisite -

NOTE: Operator Connect customers should skip to First Step. This step is only for Direct Routing.

  • Browse to the Teams Admin Center
  • Voice > Emergency Polices > Emergency call routing policies > Global
  • Enable Dynamic Emergency calling and Enter both 933 and 911 emergency dial strings as shown in the below screen shot.

NOTE: Operator Connect does not require Emergency call routing policies, 933 and 911 are both preconfigured for Operator Connect.


  • 933 will give you the ability to test the address lookup without calling 911.

Emergency dial string: 933
Emergency dial mask: 1933;933
PSTN Usage: CallTower PSTN

Emergency dial string: 911
Emergency dial mask: 1911;911
PSTN Usage: CallTower PSTN

First Step

Configure your Trusted IP's (Public IP/External IP):


Enter the IP Address you got from the External IP service; use 32 for the network range unless your network team can give you the actual range of the network in use.

Second Step

Configure your Network Site:

  • Browse to the Teams Admin Center. Locations > Network Topology > Network Sites
  • Click Add.
  • In the "Add name for your network site" field, enter the name of your location.
  • Then Click on Add subnets:


  • Enter your local IP network and range here.
  • You can use a Windows terminal to get this information.
    • Right Click on your start menu, then select "Terminal."
      • Type ipconfig
      • Look for the connected adapter.
      • Look for the IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask
  • Browse to and put the values into the IPv4 Subnet Calculator


  • Then, copy the network address from the results and use the CIDR Notation for the network range field.
  • Apply and Save.

Third Step

Build Your Emergency Location:

(Skip this Step if you have already configured your emergency addresses)

  • Build your location in the Teams Admin Center
  • Locations > Emergency addresses
  • Click Add.
    • Find the location details, then click Save


Fourth Step

Map your location to your subnet:

  • From the Teams Admin Center, browse to Locations > Networks & Locations > Subnets
  • Click On Add, then put in the Network Address from Step 2


  • Search for your network location, then click Apply.

Fifth Step

 IMPORTANT NOTE:  You will not be able to test this is working until you have been assigned a phone system license and phone number.

Restart and Test:

  • Restart your Teams Client, then check if it detected the address correctly.
  • On the upper right-hand corner, click the "…" menu, then Setting > Calls, and Look under the Emergency Location Header.


What's Next

You can repeat this process from any additional locations on your network. Please refer to the main guide for additional information, which this quick setup and test guide did not cover. Once you have configured your central office locations you can enable Nomadic E911, or "External Look Up Mode", see this guide to quickly enable External Lookup Mode for your remote employee's. MS Teams - Nomadic E911 Quick Setup Guide (External Lookup Mode) - CallTower Solutions Center (

MS Teams Dynamic e911 Dialing - Operator Connect and Direct Routing - CallTower Solutions Center (

Test by dialing 933 and observing the address on the screen and played back in audio.



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