CT Cloud Contact Center - Agent Skills
This article provides instructions on Agent Skills.
First you will need to navigate to Agents, you can get to this from your favorites page, if you do not see it on your favorites page you can add it by following this article "CT Cloud Contact Center: Telax - Adding Favorites"
Find the Agent you want to edit (section outlined in Red). Click on the agent you want to edit, In this case we are going to use "New User" (outlined in yellow)
After Selecting the Agent you will see the Skills Tab (outlined in Red) Click on it.
Select Manage Individual Skills:
Check What Skill you want to add this user to(outlined in Red) Then Select the priority you want them to be in the Skill(outlined in Yellow) 1 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest Priority. An Agent set to a 1 will always get a call before an agent set at a 2 or lower. You can choose to add an agent to 1 skill or Multiple skills.
Once you have selected the Skills and Priorities you want the Agent set to Click OK and the Agent will now be set to Skills.