MS Teams Direct Routing – Assign & Add Meta Translations to Teams DR/GCCH International Numbers
Assign & Add Meta Translations to Teams Direct Routing / GCCH International Numbers
A guide for CallTower to be able to configure routing for International Teams Direct Routing DIDs on our Metaswitch Trunks using a “Translation” DID.
NOTE: This guide is ONLY for Teams Direct Routing numbers that require international routing be built on Metaswitch, which will usually be GCC High. All other Commercial Teams Direct Routing International routing should be built on Sansay.
Before you can assign and add translations for Teams International numbers, you need to have the following:
A Connect account with administrator privileges
Ability to view DID and Trunk information in Metaswitch
A list of Teams International numbers that you want to add translations for, and their domestic “Translation” US DIDs – Telecom can pull US Translation DIDs from our internal inventory if needed
NOTE: the US/Domestic Translation DIDs MUST be added to a DIFFERENT/SEPARATE location from the one that the actual International DID is under, and the DID type must be CT Cloud SIP and must not already exist / be in use in Metaswitch yet.
Assigning the International DID to the User
This can be done before or after adding the translation; the order does not matter, so long as everything is configured correctly, but both assigning the DID and building the translation must be done. See our article on assigning Teams DIDs to users in Connect:
MS Teams Connect Admin - Assign Number To A User - CallTower Solutions Center (
Steps to add translations in Connect (Metaswitch Administration)
To add translations for Teams International numbers in Connect, follow these steps:
Log in to Connect at
First, navigate to Menu > Administration > CallTower Administration > Metaswitch Administration
On the “Metaswitch International Number Translations” field, click the “+” button to the right.
Enter the International number in the “Source” field, and the US Domestic Number acting as the translation number in the “Destination” field, then hover over the circular pink menu button in the lower right and choose Save.
You should now be able to search the Source or Destination number to confirm it is in the Metaswitch International Number Translation list:
Steps to add translations to Metaswitch (Add CT Cloud SIP DID to Trunk in Connect)
To add translations for Teams International numbers in Metaswitch, This will also be done in Connect, as you will add the US Translation DID to the customer’s Teams trunk through Connect.
Log in to
Navigate to Menu > CT Cloud > SIP
Select the SIP Trunk that you will be adding the Translation DID too. If you are not sure which trunk is the customer’s Teams trunk, consult their Customer information page in Connect under Menu > Administration > Corporate Administration > Settings > Direct Routing Teams Settings
Once the correct trunk is selected, click the “SIP DIDs” tab if it is not selected already, and then choose the “+” button to add a DID to the trunk.
Search for and then check/select the Domestic US DID you are using for the Translation, then click Save.
Once the US Translation DID has been saved to the trunk, select the DID while still in the Connect SIP Trunk menu, set the First Code as the International number, then hover over the pink menu button and click Save.
Place a test call to the international number to ensure that the Connect configuration is pushed to the SIP Trunk properly.
If the test call succeeds, no further action is required.
If the test call fails, look up the US Translation DID in Metaswitch and ensure the translation pushed properly to the trunk; If you cannot see the DID on the trunk due to there being a large number of DIDs on the trunk, consult CT Cloud Engineering to see if the translation pushed to the trunk correctly.