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MS Teams Collaboration Analytics- Getting Started for Super Admin

Getting Started

Super Administrators can use this page to help them set up Collaboration Analytics for their organization. 

Step 1: Check that your data has been synchronized 

Open the Collaboration Analytics app in Teams, go to the settings page and check People and Groups to see if your data has been synchronized. For data to be synchronized, permission needs to be granted to the App by your Microsoft Administrator. Synchronization can take 4-8 hours depending on the size of your organization.

Video: Microsoft admin dependencies & synchronization  

Step 2: Decide if you will manage permissions by Group Policy or by user 

Reporting access, and subscription) can either be managed by Group Policy or by individual user. It is recommended that you choose one of these two methods. If your organization manages users in Microsoft 365 using Group Policy it is advisable to do the same in the App. 

Step 3: Allocate licenses, set up reporting permissions and admin access for members of your organization 

Warning Users' statistical data will be available in dashboards once collaboration analytics licenses have been allocated. Call queues whose data is to be included in dashboards, also require a license. 


Licenses: Allocate the Collaboration Analytics license to generate analytics for that user's meetings, calls, phone calls and messages. The option to choose Insights for users whose Teams activity does not need to be included in reports is available.

Super Administrators can opt to automatically increase or decrease license allocation from within the Account settings of the App.

Information At least one license must be allocated.

Reporting Permissions: To view dashboards and cards, reporting access must be turned on. If reporting access is turned off, users can explore Analytics 365 in Demo mode

A user's reporting network (the people whose Teams activity is visible in reports) is, by default, determined by the Microsoft 365 hierarchy. However, People, Teams, Groups and Call Queues can be added to suit the needs of people within the business. 


Admin Access: To manage permissions of their Teams, Groups and Call Queues, users can be given admin access. Admin access can be extended from the user's profile. 

Information For more information on extending reporting and admin access Group Policy or by user.
Video: Getting started with Dashboards and Cards 



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