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CallTower Solutions Center

Clarity Connect Admin - Resolve Proxy Direct Calls Delay

Audio delay on outbound calls from VVX phone with proxy direct turned on

VVX phones are known to cause a delay (roughly 3-5 seconds) in connecting the audio at the beginning of an outbound call when "Proxy Direct Calls" is enabled for users. 



To resolve the issue you'll need to change an advanced setting within the Clarity Connect instance.

1. Navigate to the Clarity Connect admin portal

2. Under "Maintenance" select the option for "Advanced Settings"


3. Scroll down in the advanced settings until you come to the "Global Settings"

4. Use the search box to search for the setting "ProxyDodForHighLatency"


5. Select the pencil 3.png on the right side of this setting to edit

6.  Change the "Setting Value" from "false" to "true" then click "Save"


7. Allow 10-15 minutes to pass before testing to allow for the setting to fully propagate through the servers.

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