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CallTower Solutions Center

Clarity Connect Admin - Queues Not Showing In HTML5 Dashboard

Queues not showing in Clarity Connect HTML5 Dashboard


The HTML5 Dashboard is not bringing up all queues for all users. 

Image below is an example of this issue where 10+ queues should be visible, but the user only sees 1. There may also be times where a user see no queues at all.


Root Cause:

Dashboard Queue list can be customized from two places: the Hide Queues Admin Site page and the HTML5 Dashboard Queue Filter page. 

If the users are not seeing all relevant Queues, please see the Resolution section on how to check the Queue visibility settings. 


1. Navigate to the Administrative Website.

2. Navigate to Dashboard > Hide Queues.

3. Deselect all queues that should be visible in the dashboard


4. Click Save and re-load the Dashboard. 

5. If the issue persists, please see the Dashboard filter settings, and make sure the user has all relevant queues selected. 

