CT Cloud Algo - 8301 Paging Adapter And Scheduler
Typically, the best practice when provisioning supported phones (or other supported devices) on CT Cloud Voice would be to factory reset them, and then have said devices in your network grab their Provisioning URL via DHCP Option 66. However, this may pose a challenge depending on your technical knowledge and your network's capabilities. This article will walk you through provisioning your Algo 8301 Paging Adapter & Scheduler when this is not an option.
If you're provisioning this device via DHCP Option 66, please use the following address: https://commportal.calltower.com/sip-ps/
Step 1: Factory Resetting the Device
To reset the paging adapter's configuration & password, locate the recessed reset button on the back of the paging adapter and perform the following steps:
- Reboot / power cycle the paging adapter
- Watch for the SIP LED to flash, and then press and hold the reset button
- Continue holding the reset button until the SIP LED begins to double-flash, then release the reset button
Notes: After resetting, allow the device to complete its boot process. The blue lights on the front of the device will remain on until the device is completely booted. It's important that the reset button not be pressed until the SIP LED begins flashing
Step 2: Obtaining your Device's IP Address
Prior to configuring your device via the web interface, you'll need your device's IP address. If you're unable to retrieve this via checking your network's DHCP bindings, the IP address of the device can be obtained through the following method:
After the adapter has booted, the blue lights on the front of the device will turn off.
- Plug a headset or speaker into the analog output / AUX OUT (the green output port)
- Press the reset button on the adapter. The IP address will then play over the analog output.
- The IP address will continue to repeat until you press the reset button again.
Step 3: Provisioning the Device
- Open your browser and enter the device's IP address in your browser's address bar – e.g.
- Log in with password “algo”
- Navigate to Advanced Settings, and then click on the Provisioning tab.
- Set the following values:
- Server Method: Static
- Static Server: commportal.calltower.com
- Download Method: HTTPS
- Config Download Path: sip-ps
- Firmware Download Path: sip-ps
- Click Save at the bottom of the page
- Click Reboot at the top of the page
Having Trouble?
If you find you're having trouble, please reach out to CallTower Support or the rep you've been working with on setting up your account.