CT Cloud Algo - 8028 SIP Doorphone
Step 1: Factory Resetting the Device
To reset the doorphone's configuration & password, locate the recessed reset button on the back of the device and perform the following steps:
- Reboot / power cycle the SIP Doorphone while pressing and holding the reset button
- Continue holding the reset button until all LEDs begin to flash, then release the reset button
Allow the device to complete its boot process.
Step 2: Obtaining your Device's IP Address
Prior to configuring your device via the web interface, you'll need your device's IP address. If you're unable to retrieve this via checking your network's DHCP bindings, the IP address of the factory defaulted device can be obtained by pressing the Call Button on the Door Station; the IP address will play over the speaker.
Step 3: Provisioning the Doorphone via the Web Interface
- Open your browser and enter the device's IP address in your browser's address bar – e.g.
- Log in with password “algo”
- Navigate to Advanced Settings, and then click on the Provisioning tab.
- Set the following values:
- Server Method: Static
- Static Server: commportal.calltower.com
- Download Method: HTTPS
- Config Download Path: sip-ps
- Firmware Download Path: sip-ps
- Click Save at the bottom of the page
- Click Reboot at the top of the page
Having Trouble?
If you find you're having trouble, please reach out to CallTower Support or the rep you've been working with on setting up your account.